Sep 29, 2010

Technical Interview

It is a hurdle which everyone has to cross to get technical position in the company. However, when it comes to a software company, it is much more of fun for techies.

What makes it different from an ordinary interview? Ordinary interview means interviewer(s) throw(s) questions on you and you reciprocate it with your answer.
Does it mean that there is no question from interviewer to interviewee? No.
Definitely there are questions. But how these questions are different from ordinary interview?

Here questions are technical one. They not only scan your technical knowledge but your other aspects.
These questions are meant for conversation as well.

At the outset, you will come to know the problem. That is "what to be done?".
And you have to discover the solution? That is it.
Perhaps not.

It is more than just "proposing a solution".

Solution is to be discussed and loud thinking is encouraged here.
The "road to the solution" is much more important than its destination.
Therefore it is conversation and discussion rather a conventional interview.
To interviewer, it is the only way to judge the candidate. However, he/she is restrained to ask any personal question which are also necessary to check the suitability of the candidate.

Hence, instead of transforming yourself into problem solving mode, you need the best of  both world. Means of technical and as well as of so called normal human being.
Candidate has to prove his both facets.
But the focus is still on the technical part but instead of solution, interviewer is much more interested in the path through which you walk towards to the solution and if that is scintillating then it is the right path you have chosen.

Sep 12, 2010

logn Search in rotated sorted array

Lets have a sorted array like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Lets rotate it arbitrary number of times. It is like 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4.

Now, can element still be searched in O(lgn) time?